The plot of this soap opera focuses on family intrigues and love stories. In them, Zorro (Diego de la Vega) falls for beautiful young widow, Esmeralda Sánchez de Moncada. This reaches Mariángel California with his sister and father, Fernando, the newly appointed governor of Los Angeles. The hero must face a horde of villains, using as distintintivo stamp his famous "Z". The story also deals with the lost mother of Esmeralda and heinous man whose intrigues change life forever Diego. The resolution threatens to shake the entire Spanish Empire.
Christian Meier
Marlene Favela
Arturo Peniche
Osvaldo Ríos
Erick Elias
Héctor Suárez Gomiz
Andrea López
Harry Geithner
Jorge Cao
Natasha Klauss
César Mora
Luly Bossa
Raul Gutierrez
Andrea Montenegro
Luigi Aycardi
Ricardo González
Germán Rojas
Ana Bolena Mesa
Adriana Campos
María Margarita Giraldo
Natalia Bedoya
Marilyn Patiño
Carmen Marina Torres
Valentina Acosta
Alex Adames
Hernán Alvarez
Julian Alvarez
Andres Felipe Alzate
Lina Angarita
Carlos Arbeláez
Germán Arias
Lucy Colombia Arias
Yazmid Ayala
Anderson Barbosa
Frank Beltran
Carolina Betancourt
Luis Fernando Bohórquez
Mauricio Bravo
Julio Cesar Bula Chavarro
Manuel Busquets
Diego Camacho
Alberto Cardeño
Edwin Cardozo
Jaime Correa
Julio Correal
Fernando Corredor
Gustavo Corredor
Javier Delgiudice
Merena Demont
Paola Diaz
Juan Camilo Donado
Frei Díaz
Jesus Forero
Luis Carlos Galeano
Álvaro García
Alexander Garibello
Ivelin Giro
Gabriel González
Leonelia González
Oscar González
Natalia Gutiérrez
Teresa Gutiérrez
Justin Rodgers Hall
Carlos Hernández
Diana Jaramillo
Peter Klauss
Victor Kruper
Adriana Marin
Andrés Martínez
Rodrigo Marulanda
Alba Medina
Julio Medina
Nicolas Medina
Vera Mercado
Daniel Merizalde
Luis Mesa
Gustavo Hernan Monsalve
Luis Fernando Montoya
Jose Omar Murillo
Miguel Murillo
Hernán Méndez
Andrea Nieto
Andres Nieto
Arturo Nieto
Nicolas Niño
David Noreña
Adriana Osorio
Julio Pachón
Andreah Patapi
Flavio Peniche
Enrique Poveda
Talú Quintero
David Ramírez
Javier Ramírez
Jaime Rayo
Martha Restrepo
Federico Rivera
Claudia Rocio Mora
Pedro Roda
Víctor Rodríguez
Alberto Saavedra
José Saldarriaga
Ricardo Saldarriaga
Julio Sastoque
Cristian Solano
Alberto Sornoza
Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Alejandro Tamayo
Christian Tappán
Gabriel Valenzuela
Orlando Valenzuela
Didier Van den Hove
Sigifredo Vega
Catalina Vela
Vilma Vera
Jaider Villa
Diego Vásquez
Rey Vásquez
Jaime Vázquez
Emerson Yañez