Trust Me is a four-part drama series, set in Edinburgh, that tells the story of Cathy, a hardworking and skilled nurse, who has lost her job for whistleblowing and is forced to take drastic measures to provide for her daughter. Out of desperation, Cathy seizes the opportunity to steal her best friend's identity as a senior doctor and start a new life in Edinburgh. The story follows Cathy as she buries herself deeper and deeper in the imposter persona and realises that she could get everything she ever wanted - the job, the man, the dream. However, her old life threatens to destroy her new situation and the series follows Cathy's efforts to protect it.
Jodie Whittaker
Emun Elliott
Sharon Small
Blake Harrison
Lois Chimimba
Michael Abubakar
Summer Mason
John Hannah
Ashley Jensen
Alfred Enoch
Cara Kelly