As the Catastrophe is undergoing repairs after their clash with The Children, Andy is tasked by Magi, Momiji and Yoh to accompany Yūgiri as they are summoned back. Meanwhile, Hyōbu infiltrates a B.A.B.E.L. medical facility to perform some exams on his body in secret. While taking Yūgiri to an amusement park, Andy is approached by Minamoto and Fujiko who reveal to him that they know he is a spy under the US government infiltrated on P.A.N.D.R.A. and ask for his cooperation to apprehend them as Sakaki keeps watching Yūgiri, who is exposed as an esper after she uses her powers to help a lost boy. Feeling herself rejected by those arround her, a desperate Yūgiri loses control over her powers, igniting a disastrous hypnotic trance that is contained when Andy comes to help her. Soon after their companions appear and bring them to safety. Back at the Catastrophe, a birthday party is held to Hyōbu who hides from them the results of the exam he made which indicate that he does not have much time left to live.
This episode contains a brief background cameo of animated versions of The Angry Video Game Nerd and The Nostalgia Critic.