The story opens with the everyday life of Youko Nakajima. Upon being confronted by a mysterious stranger, Youko is made aware of her destiny and pulled away into another world. Along with two of her classmates, Sugimoto and Asano, she is abandoned on foreign shores. This begins Youko's epic journey in the Kingdom of Kei on a perilous road of espionage, terror and betrayal. The mystic world of The Twelve Kingdoms assails her with one savage challenge after another. Will Youko have the courage to embrace her destiny?
Opening Song: "Juunigenmukyoku" Closing Song: "Getsumei-Fuei"
Aya Hisakawa
Bob Papenbrook
Dave Wittenberg
Jamieson Price
Kim Strauss
Joshua Seth
Kirk Thornton
Karen Strassman
Richard Cansino
Scott Page-Pagter
Wendee Lee
Paul St. Peter