The Spencer Sisters is a light-hearted, one-hour procedural that follows mother-and- daughter duo Victoria and Darby Spencer, as they tackle puzzling new cases in the fictional town of Alder Bluffs, Ontario. After a string of bad luck, former police officer Darby Spencer is forced to return home to her estranged mother, internationally renowned mystery novelist Victoria Spencer (who insists the two look like sisters). But after the duo is thrust into solving a crime together, Darby discovers a side to Victoria she never knew, and ultimately takes the plunge into the unlikeliest of ventures: becoming her partner in a private detective agency.
Lea Thompson
Stacey Farber
Zane Graham
Rodrigo Massa
Edward Ruttle
Huse Madhavji
Ayesha Mansur Gonsalves
Kaitlyn Leeb
Adam Hurtig