This continuation of the acclaimed series follows the adventures and misadventures of newly 14-year-old Penny Proud and her Proud Family as they navigate modern life with hilarity and heart. The 2020s brings new career highs for mom Trudy, wilder dreams for dad Oscar and new challenges for Penny, including a socially woke neighbor who thinks she has a lot to teach her, bullying social media influencers who want to cancel her and her own teenage hormones. Penny's friends return, including Dijonay, LaCienega, Zoey and Michael. Penny's Suga Mama also returns, ready as ever to dispense tough love or a gentle hand whenever Penny needs it. Among the new faces are Maya and KG, new kids who not only have to deal with the struggles of being the new kid but also having two dads, a first for Smithville.
Kyla Pratt
Tommy Davidson
Paula Jai Parker
Jo Marie Payton
Karen Malina White
Soleil Moon Frye
Alisa Reyes