Scream is a serialized anthology series that follows a group of teenagers being stalked and targeted by a masked serial killer.The first two seasons follow the story of a teenage girl, Emma Duval, who is linked to the horrific events of Lakewood's past. As the killer's main obsession starts to take a hold after a brutal murder in the present, Emma finds herself in the center of imminent peril. With both her family and friends in danger, she sets out to uncover the town's dark mysteries and unmask the identity of the Lakewood Slasher.The third season follows the story of Deion Elliot, a local football star in Atlanta, who is tormented by the events of his tragic past. As Ghostface uses his darkest secrets against him and continues with a killing spree, Deion not only stands to lose his future, but also, the lives of his friends and family members, who might end up being potential victims of the notorious and infamous killer.
Willa Fitzgerald
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Carlson Young
John Karna
Amadeus Serafini
Tracy Middendorf
Santiago Segura
Kiana Ledé
Connor Weil
Jason Wiles
RJ Cyler