Reality-based drama series with Alba August and Aliette Opheim, about the so-called Knutby murder that shook Sweden in 2004. The story depicts the period that led to a murder and an attempted murder within the town's small free church congregation. The series is based on Jonas Bonnier's novel of the same name and is directed by Goran Kapetanović, most recently with the hit series Kalifat.
Alba August
Aliette Opheim
Amy Deasismont
Einar Bredefeldt
Emilia Roosmann
Jessica Liedberg
Joakim Sällquist
Nils Wetterholm
Joakim Lang
Stina Kvarnhem
Neo Gillinger
Sofie Rosell
Elise Morgan Mattsson
Herman Havnesköld
Jonas Hedlund
Irma Kapetanovic
Edvin Bredefeldt
Malin Persson
Jessica Forsberg
Annica Liljeblad
Bengt Braskered
Fredrik Lycke
Tina Pour Davoy
Matilda Esselius
Klara Hodell Risberg
Sofia Rönnegård
Sofi Ahlström Helleday
Johan Paulsen
Cankurd Belge
Joel Schmidt
Tom Ljungman
Fredric Thurfjell
Gustav Klenell Sandström