Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, known originally as Kirby of the Stars, is an anime series based on Nintendo's Kirby franchise. The series was produced by Warpstar Inc., a company formed between a joint investment between Nintendo and HAL Laboratory, Inc.The series, which takes place on the planet Pop Star, focuses on the adventures of the title character Kirby, who fights off monsters to the village's well-being.
Makiko Ohmoto
Kenichi Ogata
Naoki Tatsuta
Banjou Ginga
Banjou Ginga
Sayuri Yoshida
Rika Komatsu
Atsushi Kisaichi
Yuko Mizutani
Takashi Nagasako
Nobuo Tobita
Nobuo Tobita
Nobuo Tobita
Fujiko Takimoto
Osamu Hosoi
Madoka Akita
Chiro Kanzaki
Chiro Kanzaki