This groundbreaking and award-winning NBC crime drama provided a very realistic view into the lives of the dedicated cops and detectives of an urban police station. From January 1981 to August 1986, the show ran on Thursdays at 10/9 Central, with occasional repeats on Saturdays at 10/9 Central. From August 1986 to August 1987 first-run episodes aired Tuesdays at 10/9 Central.
Daniel J. Travanti
Taurean Blacque
Bruce Weitz
Joe Spano
Kiel Martin
Betty Thomas
Charles Haid
Veronica Hamel
Michael Warren
James Sikking
René Enríquez
Ed Marinaro
Barbara Bosson
Robert Hirschfeld
Michael Conrad
Jon Cypher
Megan Gallagher
Robert Clohessy
Barbara Babcock