In the wake of intense fighting between Goku and Nuova Shenron, the devious Three Star Dragon, Eis, steps in and freezes Goku solid. As the sibling rivalry boils over between Eis and Nuova, Goku fights back when Eis uses Pan as a human shield! But there's another fighter resting in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to enter the battlefield.
Masako Nozawa
Bin Shimada
Toshio Furukawa
Atsushi Kisaichi
Jōji Yanami
Takeshi Kusao
Yuuko Minaguchi
Miki Itou
Mayumi Tanaka
Hiromi Tsuru
Daisuke Gouri
Ryō Horikawa
Matthew Erickson
Phil Parsons
Mike McFarland
Vic Mignogna
Kasey Buckley
Dave Pettitt
Sean Michael Teague
Victor Atelevich