This story of "love, magic, and battles" revolves around Akuto Sai, a boy who aims to become part of his country's highest order of magicians and contribute to society as one of its clergy. On the day he is admitted into the Constan Magical Academy, his aptitude test predicts the following: "Future Occupation: Demon King." Thus begins his severe school life in which he is resented by his studious female class head, desired by a girl with mysterious powers, and guarded by a beautiful female android.
Takashi Kondō
Youko Hikasa
Aki Toyosaki
Aoi Yuki
Tsubasa Yonaga
Shizuka Itou
Chiaki Takahashi
Ryou Hirohashi
Ayana Taketatsu
Kaoru Mizuhara
Minako Kotobuki
Haruka Tomatsu
Tarusuke Shingaki
Haruo Satou
Atsushi Ono
Tomoyuki Higuchi
Jouji Nakata
Tetsu Shiratori
Yuka Iguchi
Kohsuke Toriumi