Set on a future Earth, Defiance introduces players and viewers to a world where humans and aliens live together on a planet ravaged by decades of war and transformed by alien terra-forming machines. It centers on Jeb Nolan, the law-keeper in a bustling frontier boomtown that is one of the new world’s few oasis of civility and inclusion. Nolan is a former Marine who fought in the alien conflict and suffered the loss of his wife and child in the war. The trauma transformed him into a lone wanderer in the wilds of this new and dangerous world.
Grant Bowler
Julie Benz
Stephanie Leonidas
Tony Curran
Jaime Murray
Graham Greene
Grant Bowler
Jaime Murray
James Murray
Jesse Rath
Julie Benz
Justin Rain
Katie Douglas
Kristina Pesic
Mia Kirshner
Nicole Muñoz
Noah Danby
Rob Archer
Tony Curran
Trenna Keating
Wesley French
William Atherton