Danish drama series set in the world of economic crime in the banks, on the stock exchanges, and in the boardrooms. It is the story of speculators, swindlers, corporate moguls and the crimes they commit in their hunt for wealth. It is the story of ambition that corrupts, and of the way organized criminals launder their ill-gotten gains. A story of our world the economic crisis almost overturned five years ago, and which is still holding its breath as it waits for the next bubble to burst and for the next economic tsunami to strike. And of course, it is the story of us human beings - the rich, the poor, the greedy, the fraudulent, the robbers who'll go to any lengths to build the lives of our dreams.
Thomas Bo Larsen
Nikolaj Lie Kaas
Natalie Madueño
Esben Smed Jensen
Thomas Hwan
Kasper Leisner
Line Kruse
Lucas Hansen
Villum Eneström Valsten
Signe Skov
Julie Grundtvig Wester
Lars Simonsen
Stine Stengade
Claes Ljungmark
Henrik Noël Olesen