If your perfect match was standing right in front of you, would you even know it? On the history-making eighth season, 16 singles head to Hawaii to find their perfect matches and for a chance to split the $1 million prize, and for the first time ever, all the singles are sexually fluid, which means there are no gender limitations: The one could be anyone.
Ryan Devlin
Terrence Jenkins
Audrey Diaz
Diandra Delgado
Alexis Eddy
Geles Rodriguez
Clinton Moxam
Anthony Martin
David Shad
Jada Allen
Alivia Hunter
Zoe Pugh
Keyana Land
Dimitri Valentin
Ethan Cohen
Joe Torgerson
Nurys Mateo
Kareem Fathalla
Keith Klebacher
Malcolm Drummer
Tyler Colon
Michael Dean
Nicole Spiller
Uche Nicole