The story is set at Shiomi Academy, a vast, prestigious academy with a Daitoshokan (literally, "great library") that rivals Japan's national library. As a member of the Library Club, Kyoutarou Kakei goes to Daitoshokan to enjoy reading by himself. He then meets a second-year girl named Tsugumi Shirasaki through the efforts of a so-called "shepherd" who fulfills people's wishes. Eventually, more girls join the club thanks to the "shepherd."
Junji Majima
Madoka Yonezawa
Nozomi Yamamoto
Atsumi Tanezaki
Yuka Saitou
Eri Sendai
Satoshi Tsuruoka
Showtaro Morikubo
Rina Satou
Mizusawa Kei
Miyu Kashiwagi
Taiten Kusunoki
You Taichi
Saki Nakajima