When struggling filmmaker inadvertently records a notorious serial killer in the middle of a murderous act, he decides to use the footage to blackmail the madman into being the subject of a disturbing new documentary.
Wes Bentley
Beth Grant
Joanne Baron
Marina Gatell
Kenny Johnson
Albert López-Murtra
Mark Borkowski
Amy Aeschliman
Randy Cherkas
Sarah Crocker
Jenna DeYoung
Sal Darigo
Brian Distance
Thomas Dunn
Carol Florence
Margaret H. Flynn
Ofri Fuchs
Rodman Gaillado
Vanessa Gronczewski
John Harleman
Joilet Harris
Marcia Haufrecht
Tiffany Hodges
Bruno Iannone
Jill Kairis
Leila Kotler
Sierra Richter
Ashley Sawdaye
Mastro Sykes
Shelly Varod
Jessica Weiss
Taylor Wilson
Olivia Wnek