An intricately plotted tale of thwarted love and betrayal, "The Golden Bowl" tells the story of an extravagantly rich American widower and his sheltered daughter, both of whom marry only to discover that their respective mates, a beautiful American expatriate and an impoverished Italian aristocrat, are entangled with one another in a romantic intrigue of seduction and deceit.
Kate Beckinsale
Uma Thurman
Jeremy Northam
Nick Nolte
Anjelica Huston
James Fox
Madeleine Potter
Nicholas Day
Peter Eyre
Nickolas Grace
Robin Hart
Daniel Byam Shaw
Francesco Giuffrida
Marta Paola Richeldi
Rossano Rubicondi
Mattia Sbragia
Billy Monger
Pauline Rayner
Susan Gutfreund
Arturo Venegas
Raymond Green
Anthony Bevan
Neville Phillips
Paul Bradley
Lucy Freeman
Philip Tabor
Catherine Aldrich
Isabel de Pelet
Richard MacRory
Caroline Burnaby-Atkins
Piers Gielgud
Antonia Franceschi
Philip Willingham
William Dignon
Ray Souza
Simon Humphrey
Leanne Codrington
Michela Meazza
Amy Bailey
Stephen Hughes
Michaela Burgess
Tippi Maravala
Shireen Kadivar