Spirited Away is an Oscar winning Japanese animated film about a ten year old girl who wanders away from her parents along a path that leads to a world ruled by strange and unusual monster-like animals. Her parents have been changed into pigs along with others inside a bathhouse full of these creatures. Will she ever see the world how it once was?
Rumi Hiiragi
Miyu Irino
Mari Natsuki
Takashi Naitô
Yasuko Sawaguchi
Tatsuya Gashûin
Yumi Tamai
Yo Oizumi
Koba Hayashi
Tsunehiko Kamijô
Takehiko Ono
Ryunosuke Kamiki
Bunta Sugawara
Akio Nakamura
Ken Yasuda
Shirō Saitō
Michiko Yamamoto
Kaori Yamagata
Shigeyuki Totsugi