In a remote Arctic community, a group of Inuit girls fight off an alien invasion, all while trying to make it to the coolest party in town.
Tasiana Shirley
Alexis Wolfe
Nalajoss Ellsworth
Chelsea Prusky
Frankie Vincent-Wolfe
Shaun Benson
Kristian Bruun
Melissa Hood
Amelie Albert-LeBlanc
Natar Ungalaaq
Paulette Metuq
Niviaq Mike
Janice Alivaktuk
Nikita Burke
Evan Innuksuk
Lorna Lawson
Jackie Maniapik
Donald Mearns
Christopher Metuq
Joanasie Qappik
Madeleine Qumuatuq
Iris Sowdluapik
Linda Uvilluk