Shortbus revolves around a sexually diverse ensemble of emotionally challenged characters trying desperately to connect in New York City. The characters converge in a weekly Brooklyn artistic/sexual salon loosely inspired by various underground NYC gatherings that took place in the early 2000's. The film includes a variety of explicit scenes containing non-simulated sexual intercourse with visible penetration and male ejaculation.
Sook-Yin Lee
Paul Dawson
PJ DeBoy
Jay Brannan
Lindsay Beamish
Raphael Barker
Peter Stickles
Ray Rivas
Shanti Carson
Justin Hagan
Miriam Shor
Bradford Scobie
Reg Vermue
Adam Hardman
Alan Mandell
Jan Hilmer
Stephen Kent Jusick
Jocelyn Samson
Daniela Sea
Rachael C. Smith
Derek Jackson
Jonathan Caouette
Mary Beth Peil
Justin Bond