Ray, a young boy on the cusp of adolescence who finds himself standing trial for murder. Moving into his mother Veronica's home to be with his elder brother Nathan, 23, Ray witnesses an argument which escalates into a violent axe attack perpetrated on his brother by his mum's partner Scott.
Billy Barratt
James Tarpey
Owen McDonnell
Michelle Fairley
Tom Burke
Shaun Dingwall
Debbie Honeywood
Stephen Campbell Moore
Zita Sattar
Heather Bleasdale
Natasha Joseph
Stephen Boxer
Jay Villiers
Matthew Aubrey
Angela Wynter
Buddy Skelton
Tina Harris
Neal Barry
Kirsten Wright
Zachary Barnfield
Tobi Bamtefa
Nicholas Khan
Mark Straker
Hasan Dixon
Tor Clark