Yehia, known as Pharaoh, reassembles a group of six of his old friends, each with a unique combating skill, to travel to Syria under the pretense of bounty hunting. Their real mission is to save his kidnapped son from the hands of Franco and his ISIS gangsters after they assaulted Syrian refugees, including Yehia's wife, and took away the children to a district that is currently under his control.
Amr Saad
Mahmoud Abdelmoghni
Mohamed Lotfy
Hamdy El Marghany
Mike Tyson
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson
Ramez Amir
Bayoumi Fouad
Suzan Najm Aldeen
Maya Talem
Raby Saad
Mostafa Mansour
Firas Saeed
Ahmad Fahmy
Elie Chalouhy
Horeya Farghaly
Ahmed El-Tohami
karam gaber
Big Ramy