A Boston police detective investigates a series of gruesome decapitations of various college coeds commited by a helmeted, black-leather clad serial killer which leads him to suspect a well known anthropology professor as well as his female live-in assistant.
Leonard Mann
Rachel Ward
Drew Snyder
Joseph R. Sicari
Nicholas Cairis
Karen MacDonald
Annette Miller
Bill McCann
Margo Skinner
Elizabeth Barnitz
Holly Hardman
Meb Boden
Leonard Corman
Belle McDonald
Edward C. Higgins
William McDonald
Kevin Fennessy
Edward Chalmers Jr.
John Blood
Lisa Allee
Elizabeth Alice
Patricia Pellows
J.J. Wright
Ted Duncan
Patricia Rust
Jane-Leah Bedrick
Wally Hooper Jr.
Kevin King
Nancy Rothman