Nausicaä, a gentle young princess, has an empathetic bond with the giant mutated insects that evolved in the wake of the destruction of the ecosystem. Traveling by cumbersome flying ship, on the backs of giant birds, and perched atop her beloved glider, Nausicaä and her allies must negotiate peace between kingdoms battling over the last of the world's precious natural resources.
Sumi Shimamoto
Mahito Tsujimura
Hisako Kyōda
Gorō Naya
Ichirō Nagai
Kōhei Miyauchi
Jôji Yanami
Minoru Yada
Rihoko Yoshida
Yōji Matsuda
Mîna Tominaga
Yoshiko Sakakibara
Iemasa Kayumi
Tetsuo Mizutori