The story follows 27-year-old Tokyo office worker Mire Yoshizuki who just returned to Japan, 22-year-old fourth-year college student Sora Nagase who aspires to be a teacher, and 20-year-old boyish, part-time Hiroshima okonomiyaki shop worker and freelancer Reika Kawatani. What draws together these three women from completely different walks of life is a magic gem. A "New Magical Story" begins when they are mysteriously brought together by chance and embark on a journey.
Aoi Morikawa
Rena Matsui
Kanako Momota
Kenta Hamano
Shohei Miura
Akira Ishida
Chiemi Chiba
Nami Miyahara
Rumi Shishido
Sawa Ishige
Tomoko Akiya
Yuki Matsuoka
Kenji Nomura
Kyousei Tsukui
Mayumi Shintani
Megumi Takamura
Nanaho Katsuragi
Yuka Shino
Yuuta Mochizuki