Tells the comedic tale of Eddie Mannix, a fixer who worked for the Hollywood studios in the 1950s. The story finds him at work when a star mysteriously disappears in the middle of filming.
Josh Brolin
George Clooney
Alden Ehrenreich
Ralph Fiennes
Jonah Hill
Scarlett Johansson
Frances McDormand
Tilda Swinton
Channing Tatum
Christopher Lambert
Veronica Osorio
Max Baker
Clancy Brown
Fisher Stevens
Patrick Fischler
Tom Musgrave
David Krumholtz
Greg Baldwin
Patrick Carroll
Heather Goldenhersh
Alison Pill
Michael Gambon
E.E. Bell
Fred Melamed
Wayne Knight
Jeff Lewis
John Bluthal
Peter Jason
Noel Conlon
Caitlin Muelder
Ming Zhao
Natasha Bassett
Noah Baron
Luke Spencer Roberts
Helen Siff
Robert Trebor