Reeling from a terrifying assault, a nineteen year old enrolls into college with his brother and pledges the same fraternity. What happens there, in the name of 'brotherhood,' tests him and his loyalty in brutal ways.
James Franco
Nick Jonas
Ben Schnetzer
Austin Lyon
Virginia Gardner
Danny Flaherty
Trent Rowland
Jake Picking
Chase Crawford
Matthew Legner
Patrick Murney
Carli Hudson
William Cross
Will Pullen
Brock Yurich
Gary Chinn
Eric Staves
Christina Lambert
Gus Halper
Jon Osbeck
Jenny Marie Mitchell
David Pittinger
Lauren Knutson
Jeff Grdina
Philip Krinsky
Denise Dal Vera
Flint Knoop Wenstrup
Michelle Dobrozsi
Tyler Beaty
Alex Rogers
Kenneth Meyer
Matt Dreyer
Alec Usleaman
Brian D. Schroeder
Caleb Farley
Angel Kerns
Cody Roberts
Sydney Vollmer
David Trump
Misty M. Jump
Natasha Phillips