An Hungarian youth comes of age at Buchenwald during World War II. György Köves is 14, the son of a merchant who's sent to a forced labor camp. After his father's departure, György gets a job at a brickyard; his bus is stopped and its Jewish occupants sent to camps. There, György find camaraderie, suffering, cruelty, illness, and death. He hears advice on preserving one's dignity and self-esteem. He discovers hatred. If he does survive and returns to Budapest, what will he find? What is natural; what is it to be a Jew? Sepia, black and white, and color alternate to shade the mood.
Marcell Nagy
Béla Dóra
Bálint Péntek
Áron Dimény
Péter Fancsikai
Zsolt Dér
András M. Kecskés
Dani Szabó
Tibor Mertz
Vida Péter
Endre Harkányi
Márton Brezina
Daniel Craig