Haunted by nightmares, Harlan Draka wanders through the war-torn Balkan countryside, making money out of ridding superstitious villagers of imaginary monsters. But after being hired by soldiers who are under attack by actual vampires, Harlan discovers the truth: he's a Dampyr, half-human and half-vampire. While trying to stop a Master of the Night and his undead army, Harlan will have to learn to manage his newfound powers and uncover his origins.
Wade Briggs
Stuart Martin
Frida Gustavsson
Sebastian Croft
Luke Roberts
David Morrissey
Radu Andrei Micu
Ionut Grama
Florin Frăţilă
Mădălina Bellariu Ion
Andreea Coff
Alice Cora Mihalache
Alexandra Poiana
Claudia Negroiu
Aura Călărașu
Simina Siminie
Oliver Lepadatu
Ioachim Ciobanu