In full thalassotherapy, poisoned gift of his children, Henry, in his sixties, meets Lila, a seducing woman in her fifties. Escaping, like two teenagers, to the strict program that the establishment has prepared for them, they charm each other and live a delicious weekend. At the end of the stay, everyone joins his life. But, back home, their feelings did not go out. So Lila joins Henry in his home so that they can give themselves a chance. Except that Henri is a farmer. Certainly sympathetic, educated, and possessing a great property. But it is still a peasant. And Lila is a fashion designer in Paris, and perfectly urban. Under the disapproving gaze of Henry's family, everyone must make the effort to understand the world of the other ones at his own risk.
Bernard Le Coq
Florence Pernel
Karine Texier
Ilona Bachelier
Alexandre Thibault
Colette Kraffe
Fred Ulysse
Mathilde Wambergue
Sonia Mankaï
Mickaël Dumoussaud
Michel Pilorgé
Teco Celio
Eric Viellard
Christian Duplaissy
Fabien Morel
Hugo Duplaissy
Didier Poulain
Franck Beckmann
Théophile Sowié