In which Scheherazade tells of how desolation invaded men : “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that a Judge will cry instead of giving out her sentence. A runaway murderer will wander through the land for over forty days and will teletransport himself to escape the Guard while dreaming of prostitutes and partridges. A wounded cow will reminisce about a thousand-year-old olive tree while saying what she must say, which will sound none less than sad ! The residents of a tower block in the suburbs will save parrots and piss inside lifts while surrounded by dead people and ghosts; including in fact a dog that…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
Crista Alfaiate
João Pedro Bénard
Margarida Carpinteiro
Chico Chapas
Carloto Cotta
Luísa Cruz
Eduardo Frazão
Pedro Inês
Adriano Luz
Carla Maciel
Teresa Madruga
José Manuel Mendes
Manuel Mozos
Gracinda Nave
Américo Silva
Gonçalo Waddington