A sequel to 2004's Alien vs. Predator, the iconic creatures from two of the scariest film franchises in movie history wage their most brutal battle ever - in our own backyard. The small town of Gunnison, Colorado becomes a war zone between two of the deadliest extra-terrestrial life forms - the Alien and the Predator. When a Predator scout ship crash-lands in the hills outside the town, Alien Facehuggers and a hybrid Alien/Predator are released and begin to terrorize the town.
Steven Pasquale
Reiko Aylesworth
John Ortiz
Ariel Gade
Sam Trammell
Kristen Hager
Robert Joy
David Paetkau
Tom Woodruff Jr.
Ian Whyte
Chelah Horsdal
Meshach Peters
Matt Ward