The magical universe enters its darkest hour as Bloom (who has turned evil) and Darkar(who has dumped the witches) combine powers to enter Realix. The Winx Club and warriors enter Shadowhaunt where they face Kerbog who has been yet again transformed into an extinct magical creature called an Octaceraton! The five fairies powers have no effect on it and when the Teachers show up to help. Is there any hope of saving Bloom?
Anthony Salerno
Bella Hudson
Caren Manuel
Cathy Weseluck
Dan Green
Kerry Williams
Lisa Ortiz
Liza Jacqueline
Matt Hoverman
Michael Alston Baley
Michael Sinterniklaas
Pete Zarustica
Rachael Lillis
Sebastian Arcelus
Stuart Zagnit
Su Meredith
Suzy Myers