In a breathtaking but remote mountain town in South Island, New Zealand, a twelve year-old girl named Tui is discovered to be pregnant. Local police enlist help from Detective Robin Griffin, a child protection specialist who has recently returned to the area to care for her mother. Tui refuses to disclose any clues about her perpetrator, but the town’s knot of long-buried secrets begins to unravel. Trapped where happiness and honest work are just out of reach, the entire community is under a smoldering cloud of suspicion. Chief suspect is the girl’s father, a menacing local figure with a violent past who is also embroiled in a land dispute with a new age women’s encampment. Robin’s investigation heightens tensions in the town and hints at a personal history she had hoped to keep buried.
Elisabeth Moss
David Wenham
Peter Mullan
Holly Hunter
Lucy Lawless
Thomas M. Wright
Skye Wansey
Genevieve Lemon
Robyn Malcolm