Andy follows Yūgiri to the site of Green's inauguration but is restrained by the police, just to be rescued by Minamoto and Sakaki, who reveal to him that they are working with Liberty Bell to stop Eiji's conspiracy to have the new mayor assassinated by an esper and alter the future. Yūgiri attacks Green, just to be stopped by Andy, and she launches a hypnotic trance that afflicts everyone in the area except Andy and his allies, starting a riot. As the riot spreads through the city, Hyōbu confronts Yūgiri to free her mind, but her hypnosis makes him confront delusions of his past, until he unlocks his powers knowing that with his body's condition, this may end up killing him. Hyōbu succeeds to rescue Yūgiri, but his powers go haywire and he asks Andy to take her away before they destroy him. However, Andy refuses to flee and uses his ability to restrain Hyōbu's powers and save his life. As the members of B.A.B.E.L. return home and are greeted by Kaoru and the others, Hyōbu finally comes face to face with Eiji. With the rest of his cohorts already in custody, Eiji asks Hyōbu to kill him, but he refuses to do so and decides to punish him by erasing all his memories instead. Andy decides to find his own way in life and bids farewell to Yūgiri and the others from P.A.N.D.R.A., leaving to parts unknown after having a short meeting with Hyōbu.