In an unnamed country, Hyōbu surrenders to the military and is sent to a special esper prison. Upon his arrival, Hyōbu meets Andy Hinomiya, an esper prisoner who somehow does not any apparent powers. After creating some commotion, both are sent to confinement where Hyōbu offers Andy a chance to join his side, which he accepts upon helping him escape the prison. During meal time, the cooks put some drug on Hyōbu's drink but he gives it to Andy instead, knocking him unconscious. Andy wakes up in a surgery room outside the prison and is freed by Hyōbu, who explains him that the prison is being used as a site for illegal esper experiments. Together, they reach the place where a young esper child, Yūgiri is being held. The prison warden sends a monster created by fusing several esper body parts to attack them, but it ends up being destroyed when Hyōbu deactivates his own limiter, unlocking his true power. In the end, Hyōbu, Andy and Yūgiri are picked up by the other members of P.A.N.D.R.A. and Andy is welcomed aboard their base of operations, the ocean-liner "Catastrophe". However, Andy is shown as a spy sent to infiltrate the organization as he makes contact with his superiors.