Michelle is still at the Elite studio frightened to be in front of the Elite group. She lies and says she wants to audition for the troupe making Kate become worried about possibly losing her. Riley discovers Emily's plan to push Michelle out of the studio. Riley and James make a plan to replace Emily as dance captain with Michelle. After, the troop does duets. The duets are: West and Stephanie, Tiffany and Daniel, James and Riley, and Eldon is paired up with Michelle after Emily rejected him. Later, James helps Eldon get a date with Emily. After the date, Emily says it was horrible and never wants to go out with him. But, then Eldon expresses his emotion for Emily by doing a flip above her. Emily was amazed and still said no to going out with him. But agrees to be duet partners with him. And Eldon is filled with joy.
Title reference: Love Story by Taylor Swift
Victoria Baldeserra
Brittany Raymond