On a bridge spanning a deep gorge, a fierce battle unfolds with Drakul's raiders. Marguerite and Veronica watch as Summerlee is hit. Tribune, betrayed by Drakul, hurls a bomb that destroys the bridge...throwing the men into the river far below. Veronica clings to the hope that her friends have survived and searches for them with Marguerite. Once reunited, they discover that Tribune has saved Roxton's life and demands a favor in return. Since they need a boat to return home, they follow Tribune to a run-down fishing village - where he disappears. A beautiful prostitute named Raina informs them that Nemak has enslaved the town. When our gang clashes with Nemak and his goons, they are thrown into jail.
Peter McCauley
Rachel Blakely
William Snow
Jennifer O'Dell
Michael Sinelnikoff
David Orth