Saverio Barone enters the Direzione Investigativa Antimafia (DIA) and because of his arrogance and ambitions is meeting with some hostilities from the more experienced magistrates of the team. He still has to prove his skills to them and to himself. In the meantime the boss Bagarella orders Brusca to keep the kidnapped Di Matteo's child alive as an hostage and force a recant to the authorities.
Francesco Montanari
Miriam Dalmazio
Francesco Foti
Roberto Citran
Marco Rossetti
Giorgio Caputo
David Coco
Paolo Briguglia
Edoardo Pesce
Alessio Praticò
Paolo Ricca
Nicola Rignanese
Dario Aita
Daniela Marra
Roberta Caronia
Francesca Inaudi
Marcello Mazzarella
Gaetano Bruno