Once he arrives at Shibusen, Joe Buttataki begins his project by using the demon tools that are in Shinigami's possession. Meanwhile, Black Star's confidence begins to waver due to his recent defeats. When Tsubaki tells that Nygus asked her to stop using the dark blade mode, Black Star decides to challenge Kid in a duel, and during which loses control. Kid finally wins the battle and shortly after Black Star starts training again. Arachne finds the hideout of Asura.
Chiaki Omigawa
Kouki Uchiyama
Yumiko Kobayashi
Kaori Nazuka
Mamoru Miyano
Maaya Sakamoto
Akeno Watanabe
Rikiya Koyama
Narumi Takahira
Houko Kuwashima
Masafumi Kimura
Tôru Ôkawa
Misato Fukuen
Mayuki Makiguchi
Takashi Inagaki
Nobutoshi Canna
Keiji Himeno
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Chieko Honda
Michiko Neya