Haruto, accompanied by Ryuhou, journeys to his home village in an attempt to come to terms with his past and regain his resolve. While there, Ryuhou learns that Haruto became a saint in order to follow the footsteps of his good friend and older brother figure Yoshitomi, the previous Wolf Saint. Yoshitomi had apparently been murdered by a masked silver saint in front of Haruto and the boy had been desperate for answers ever since. Haruto's fater, despite his disapproval of Haruto becoming a saint, helps him gain back his fighting spirit by staging an assassination attempt on his son's life.
Hikaru Midorikawa
Katsuyuki Konishi
Tetsuya Kakihara
Junichi Suwabe
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Kiyoyuki Yanada
Yūsei Oda
Nobutoshi Canna
Aya Hisakawa
Hidekatsu Shibata
Mamiko Noto
Satsuki Yukino
Shoko Nakagawa
Tōru Furuya
Masaya Onosaka
Ryūzaburō Ōtomo
Naomi Kusumi
Masaya Takatsuka
Kouta Nemoto
Yasuhiko Tokuyama