It's Contest Day in Rubello Town and May is as determined as ever to win, and with her victories in Fallabor and Verdanturf Town she is extremely confident. After May uses Beautifly in the Appeal rounds (participants are allowed to use different Pokemon for the Appeal and the Battle Rounds), she easily passes the qualifiers with Drew and Savannah. However, as she prepares for the Battle Rounds against Lairon, Ash warns her that Bulbasaur might not be ready, since it's never actually been in a battle before but May is confident in it's abilities, but is she being a bit overconfident, especially since the winner of the match will face Drew and his Masquerain in the final...
Sarah Natochenny
Christa Lips
Jeroen Keers
Hilde De Mildt
Ikue Ōtani
Frank Frankson
J.T. Ross
Jayne Grand
Jimmy Zoppi
Joseph Shore
Kerry Williams
Lee Quick
Mike Pollock
Nathan Price
Phillip Bartlett
Rachael Lillis
Ross Charap
Scottie Ray
Ted Lewis
Wayne Grayson