While riding around the Orange Islands on his Lapras, Ash finds a mysterious message in a bottle, which leads the gang on a new adventure. Ash, Misty and Tracey travel to Sunburst Island, which is famous for its artists and glassblowers. They meet a struggling young shopkeeper who's seeking inspiration from a legendary "Crystal Onix." Having been unable to find this special Pokémon, the shopkeeper turns to our heroes. With Tracey and his observational Pokémon on board, they set out to fire up a new friend's creative drive!
Sarah Natochenny
Christa Lips
Jeroen Keers
Hilde De Mildt
Ikue Ōtani
Frank Frankson
J.T. Ross
Jayne Grand
Jimmy Zoppi
Joseph Shore
Kerry Williams
Lee Quick
Mike Pollock
Nathan Price
Phillip Bartlett
Rachael Lillis
Ross Charap
Scottie Ray
Ted Lewis
Wayne Grayson