Jax and the team visit the distant planet where Professor Osborn first discovered Jax as an infant during the Earth-Zatarian War in an attempt to find the Ancients in the hopes of saving our Universe. But is dealt a tragic blow when Ralen suffers a loss that will change him forever.
Priscilla Quintana
Noah Huntley
Ben Radcliffe
Vikash Bhai
Oliver Dench
Akshay Kumar
Chase Masterson
Luke Fetherston
Raechelle Banno
Tommie Earl Jenkins
Banita Sandhu
Martin Bobb-Semple
John Harlan Kim
Tehmina Sunny
Manu Bennett
Sergio Hernandes
Kwame Agyei
Tegen Short
Nicole Castillo-Mavromatis
Tina Casciani
J.R. Esposito