An unconventional detective duo of Shingo Tokita, a veteran detective who is full of clutter and does not work at all, and Yu Shiina, a partner who follows Tokita for stimulus, is investigating a completely out-of-place international drug trading case. I will be dispatched. Misato Satomi and Akira Ohira, who give instructions to them from the radio room, suddenly developed into a terrifying situation, although they should have been just talking about small things. Around that time, the criminal duo lurking in the warehouse: Ichijo and Ichijo were at the mercy of Mari, who was supposed to be the victim of the kidnapping.
Tomoya Nakamura
Gorô Kishitani
Yoshino Kimura
Etsushi Toyokawa
Yukino Kishii
Amane Okayama
Nana Seino