Kiba - Season 1 Episode 51

1x51 Season 1 Episode 51

Estado: Ended

Año: 2006

IMDB Rating: 7.4

Género: Animation  Anime  Adventure  Fantasy  

Zed is a 15-year-old boy with an affinity to trouble. Where ever he goes, trouble seems to find him. Zed has one dream, one wish: he wants freedom. He wants to feel the wind on his face. One day, while running from the authorities, he is transported, via a portal, to a new world, the world of "Shard Casters!" These warriors are able to use magic and control monsters called "Spirits" using magical crystals called "Shards." Zed does his best to be a Shard Caster, not realizing that something within him controls the future of the world.
Elenco: Kara Greenberg .

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