While Elena, who miraculously survived the accident, is in the hospital, Daniele and his men discover where Andrea, Angelo's jailer, has taken refuge. Andrea manages to escape again, seriously injuring one of the men of the task force, and he seeks refuge from what he believes, all his life, to be his Master. Meanwhile, someone has stolen all the documents he found in the orphanage from Elena's car.
Vittoria Puccini
Alessandro Roja
Sarah Felberbaum
Sergio Albelli
Federica Girardello
Eugenio Franceschini
Gianmaria Martini
Massimo Rigo
Ivan Zerbinati
Nicola Pannelli
Riccardo Leonelli
Livio Pacella
Demetra Bellina
Andrea De Manincor
Pia Engleberth
Caterina Silva
Simone Baldassari
Vincenzo Tosetto
Antonio Orlando
Roberto Zibetti
Lorenzo Dellapasqua
Duccio Gallorini
Maurizio Lombardi
Sandra Ceccarelli