De viaje con los Derbez is a Spanish-language documentary comedy web television series co-produced by Lionsgate, 3Pas Studios, and Wallin Chambers Entertainment premiered on 18 October 2019 on Amazon Prime Video worldwide, except for United States, and Puerto Rico, followed by its debut in United States, and Puerto Rico on Pantaya in the same day. The series revolves around the Derbez family on his trip to Morocco, the family is composed of Eugenio Derbez the patriarch of the family, Alessandra Rosaldo his wife, Aitana Derbez his daugther, Vadhir and José Eduardo Derbez their sons, and Aislinn Derbez his oldest daughter, along Mauricio Ochmann, and her daughter Kailani.
Eugenio Derbez
Aislinn Derbez
Vadhir Derbez
Mauricio Ochmann
José Eduardo Derbez
Alessandra Rosaldo