The cat fight continues as the guests gut each other over lunch. Later that night, Daisy pulls together a mermaid-themed dinner while Jean-Luc dons glittery leggings and serves himself up as dessert. Alli makes a difficult decision that leaves Gary reeling. Sydney is tasked with writing a song about women’s empowerment, and Colin offers to orchestrate. Things get awkward when the primary overhears Alli complaining about her mom and informs Glenn of the indiscretion. At a perilous beach picnic, the rosé runs dry, and as the Parsifal crew begins to crack, Glenn’s frustration boils over.
Glenn Shephard
Adam Glick
Jenna MacGillivray
Byron Hissey
Madison Stalker
Georgia Grobler
Paget Berry
Ciara Duggan
Parker McCown